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▲Master Yenlung Chiu pointed out that things are prone to change and twists and turns. (Photo saurce: Unsplash)

Today enters “Xiaoxue”! Numerologist: Two stars are in opposition and Uranus is retrograde. Things are full of twists and turns, but the combination will benefit both parties! Good luck!

By Master Chiu Yanlong

Today (11/22) solar terms will enter the light snow. Chiu Yenlung, an international expert in Feng Shui and numerology, reminds us that the 22nd will coincide with the square opposition between Mars and Saturn, and war issues will continue. In addition, under the influence of Uranus retrograde, everything will be full of twists and turns, and it is easy to cause disputes between villains and big ones. From a country to an individual, this period is about understanding the art of "cooperation". In terms of accidents, special attention should be paid to shipwrecks, drownings and other accidents. Wearing more gold jewelry can increase luck. Those who have faith can also worship Guan Gong or Lu Dongbin Xianzu to help them overcome difficulties.

Master Chiu Yenlung pointed out that with Mars violently opposing Saturn and Uranus continuing to retrograde, things are prone to change and twists and turns. Everything cannot go smoothly once and for all, and new opportunities will be found after the twists and turns. War, fire, turmoil, accidental bloodshed, fundamental problems in real estate, mining, and manufacturing are all still there, but there will also be many problems with heads of state or leaders of various parties, people in power in government agencies, and administrative agencies, etc. The release of supporting facilities and plans will ease the development of things in the future.

As for individual person, Master Chiu Yenlung recommends staying away from the water as much as possible during this period, because the astrology shows that shipwrecks, drownings, murders, and massacres are likely to occur. As for health, you should pay more attention to cardiovascular, high blood pressure, inflammation, respiratory system, Gynecology, tumors, muscles, legs, gastrointestinal and other problems. In addition, seasonal changes bring problems to the eyes, teeth, face, lungs, chest, etc. You should also be careful. At the same time, you should also pay more attention to influenza, COVID-19, throat inflammation, etc. during this period. In addition to seeing a doctor, Master Chiu Yenlung suggested that you can wear more gold jewelry to turn bad luck into good luck. In terms of gods, you can seek more blessings and help from Emperor Guan Shengdi and Xianzu Lu Dongbin. Those who have no religious beliefs can read more and participate in improving self-knowledge. Classes and meetings can also be helpful.

Master Chiu Yenlung further reminded Xiaoxue that due to the relationship between Pluto and Venus in the past 16 days, Xiaoxue will easily encounter villains who can make you speechless at work. The other person will make trouble for nothing, which will make people feel emotionally shaken. Especially the disputes between men are particularly fierce. There is a war in the air. Anyone who cares more about face and is stubborn will lose miserably. Remember that ignoring it is the only way. Remember to keep smiling, because the happier you are, the easier it is to make the enemy suffer. Keep a happy mood. That's the biggest winner.

In addition, Master Chiu Yenlung pointed out that Venus and Mercury are most prosperous during the light snow period, which is especially suitable for the development of seven industries such as art and culture, entertainment, celebrations, news, import and export trade, printing, and plastics. You can seize the opportunity. As for the zodiac signs, the 6 constellations including Libra, Germini, Virgo, Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio will have good luck during light snow. As long as you are in a happy mood, your wishes will come true easily.

Master Chiu Yenlung quoted the hexagram "Yilin·Tunzhihuan": "We share pillows and robes, and we know each other in middle age." The young man has nothing to lose. He lives alone and thinks deeply.” It shows that the most important lesson during the Xiaoxue period is for everyone to learn the word "Cooperation". This seems to echo the current political situation. Only by supporting each other can the greatest effect be achieved. Master Chiu Yenlung reminded that this period requires a lot of effort. To accept the degree of acceptance, there will be fear and worry when fighting alone, but victory will be achieved by "cooperation", but how to combine, how to combine, and with whom to combine will test your wisdom. But once you can combine, everything will go smoothly. As long as you make the best use of the word "Cooperation", everything will be fine for sure.

▲Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)


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